
Sekilas Tentang Obat Kuat Foredi

Foredi adalah satu-satunya produk obat kuat pria DEWASA yang direkomendasikan oleh Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha SpOG,MARS yang pasti sudah Anda kenal. Produk antiseptik pria dewasa yang berfungsi untuk memperpanjang durasi hubungan suami istri atau tahan lama (tetap berkhasiat 5-8 jam, dahsyat!) sekaligus mengatasi ejakulasi dini... Klik disini melihat info selanjutnya....



Pertama di Indonesia!

Herbal Langka Atasi Disfungsi Ereksi & Libido Tanpa Sakit Kepala Tidak Membuat Jantung Berdebar Aman Bagi Penderita Diabetes!

Terdaftar Resmi DEPKES RI No. 9613.80911

Dipasaran banyak sekali dijual obat kuat dari yang mengandung bahan kimia, campuran herbal & kimiawi, serta yang benar-benar 100% herbal, masing-masing dengan kekurangan & kelebihannya.

100% Produk Herbal

GASA adalah.... Klik baca selanjutnya.....



LADYFEM: Herbal Istimewa! Untuk Atasi Masalah Kewanitaan, Solusi Wanita FRIGID, Kurang Bergairah, Sulit Orgasme*

AMAN & LEGAL Terdaftar di BPOM RI POM TR 093.301.381

Klik disini baca selanjutnya.....


Peluang Usaha Jadi Agen Obat Kuat Herbal Seks, Rekomendasi Boyke Dian Nugraha, Klik di sini : Peluang Usaha


Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Withdraw Paypal, VCC

Verifikasi Paypal Indonesia

Dan mengapa kita membutuhkan VCC ?

Nah, untuk itulah alasan mengapa kita membutuhkan VCC. Bukankah tujuan utama VCC dibuat adalah untuk melindungi kartu kredit sehingga ketika seseorang melakukan transaksi, mereka tidak memberikan informasi kartu kredit yang sebenarnya.

Hal ini dilakukan untuk menjaga keamanan kartu kredit itu sendiri dan menjaganya dari orang-orang yang menyalahgunakan. Jadi, dengan memiliki VCC itu tak ubahnya Anda memiliki kartu kredit tapi fungsi utamanya adalah tetap sebagai alat untuk memverifikasi PayPal.

Sekarang Anda sudah tahu, ternyata VCC adalah pilihan terbaik karena memiliki keunggulan-keunggulan dibanding dengan alat-alat verifikasi lain. Dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda ini(beli VCC), maka kami menjual VCC murah.

Perlu diketahui, bahwa VCC di tempat lain dijual hingga Rp 175.000, atau kalaupun ada yang lebih murah, masa expired (kadaluarsa)-nya hanya sampai 3 bulan saja. Jadi misalnya hargaVCC Rp 175.000 x 4 (bulan), maka Anda harus membayar 700.000, wow… mahal bukan ?

Nah, di sini Anda bisa membeli VCC murah bukan dengan 700.000, bukan 350.000, bukan pula 175.000, tapi cukup dengan Rp 150.000 saja dengan masa expired bukan 3 bulan, bukan 6 bulan, bukan pula hanya 9 bulan, melainkan untuk 1 tahun penuh dan PayPal Anda akan terverifikasi selamanya.

Hem… Menarik sekali bukan ?

Bagaimana cara ordernya ?

Mudah saja, silahkan langsung saja ke menu registrasi atau klik gambar di bawah ini. Nantinya Anda akan mendapat data bank tujuan transfer beserta cara konfirmasinya.

Ingat !
Harga di atas sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah naik tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu, mumpung masih ada kesempatan harga normal, silahkan langsung order sekarang juga.

Demikian atas perhatiannya, terimakasih.

* Admin Verifikasi-PayPal-Indonesia.Com

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Pulsa Termurah


Jadikan HP Anda sebagai "aset" yang membanjiri rekening Anda Dapatkan! Bonus Rp 275 Juta

Plus! Pasif income Rp 2 Milyar / bulan !!!Hanya dengan mendaftarkan satu nomer GSM saja (GRATIS), anda sudah dapat melakukan isi pulsa ke semua nomer GSM dan CDMA.

Bisa digunakan untuk isi pulsa handphone anda sendiri, keluarga, teman, dan orang-orang di sekitar Anda. Bahkan bagi Anda pengelola counter pulsa pun dapat menggunakan sistem pulsa bisnis ini dengan menguntungkan ! KLIK WEBSITE=

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Kruiden Stijve, Vloeibare Geneesmiddelen, Kruiden Pijn, Reumatische Jicht

Wij verkopen de Nostrum, dat is perfect voor je.

brouwen kruiden

kruiden stijve

vloeibare geneesmiddelen

kruiden pijn, reumatische jicht

Laat uw broeders, uw gezin ziek. Geef met dit kruid.
of je MEU te verkopen in uw eigen grondgebied.
Onze voorraad percelen. er klaar voor.

Geneesmiddel "Wortels Gegoten Goden"

VERDELER "Jamu Akar Dewa"

Jamu traditionele verpakking in Liquid jamu vormige sachet 100ml

LEAF bevat nuttige voor genezing goden:
Pegel linu
Hoge bloeddruk
Reiniging van de Dirty Bloed
Bloedsomloop gelanceerd
Catch een koude
Vermindering van cholesterol
POM TR No.033618111
Wij dienen de Groothandel / Detailhandel

1 doosje bevat 12 pakken
Elke 1 pak bevat 12 sachets
Dus 1 doosje bevat 144 sachets (@ 100ml)

Voor aankoop en reservering, en ook de prijs van het product, kunt u contact opnemen met :

Indien u interesse hebt, gelieve ons te contacteren voor aankoop :

Tel. = +62856 553 874 38

E-mail :

we wachten............!!

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010


Dijual CD-CD interaktif di bidang Agrokomplek. Khususnya di bid. Peternakan, Perikanan, Pertanian dan Perkebunan. semua CD saya jual hanya dengan Rp.75.000/ CD. CD-CD Agrokomplek ini bukanlah berisi ebook atau paparan data (BUKAN BERUPA E-BOOK / PDF), tetapi BERUPA BAGAIMANA PRAKTEKNYA LANGSUNG DI LAPANGAN ( Audio Visual) . CD-CD Agrokomplek yang tersedia saat ini:


* Cara beternak sapi potong ( very most wanted! ! ! )
* Cara beternak ayam pedaging ( most wanted! ! ! )
* Cara beternak kambing-domba ( most wanted! ! ! )
* Cara beternak ayam petelur
* Cara beternak ayam arab
* Cara beternak ulat sutera
* Cara beternak bebek
* Cara beternak burung puyuh
* Cara beternak sapi perah


* cara bertani cabai ( most wanted! ! ! )
* cara bertani jagung
* cara bertani padi
* cara bertani bawang merah
* cara bertani kentang
* cara bertani rempah rempah
* cara bertani kedelai
* cara bertani tomat
* cara bertani kobis
* cara bertani kacang panjang
* cara bertani mentimun
* cara bertani kacang hijau


* cara berkebun kelengkeng pingpong ( most wanted! ! ! )
* cara berkebun kelapa sawit ( most wanted! ! ! )
* cara berkebun durian ( most wanted! ! ! )
* cara berkebun jeruk
* cara berkebun kakao
* cara berkebun karet
* cara berkebun kopi
* cara berkebun melon
* cara berkebun strawberry
* cara berkebun tebu

* cara berkebun tembakau
* cara berkebun albasia
* cara berkebun panili
* cara berkebun gula merah
* cara berkebun kayu jati
* cara berkebun jahe merah
* cara berkebun teh
* cara berkebun coklat
* cara berkebun anggur
* cara berkebun pepaya
* cara berkebun salak
* cara berkebun apel
* cara berkebun teh rosella
* cara berkebun buah naga
* cara berkebun duku
* cara berkebun jambu biji
* cara berkebun semangka
* cara berkebun salak


* cara budidaya lele ( very most wanted! ! ! )
* cara budidaya udang ( most wanted! ! ! )
* cara budidaya gurame ( most wanted! ! ! )
* cara budidaya bandeng ( most wanted! ! ! )
* cara budidaya nila ( most wanted! ! ! )
* cara budidaya ikan hias
* cara budidaya patin
* cara budidaya rumput laut
* cara budidaya ikan keramba
* cara budidaya ikan dosen nil
* cara budidaya ikan mas
* cara budidaya patin
* cara budidaya kepiting
* cara budidaya ikan mas

Tanaman hias :

* bunga mawar
* bunga melati
* bunga anthurium
* bunga anggrek
* bunga adenium
* bunga sepatu
* bunga seruni
* bunga dahlia
* bunga teratai
* bunga anyelir
* bunga lilin
* bunga kertas
* bunga tahi kotok


• Paket hemat I ( 20 CD Rp. 900.000, -) ,

• Paket Hemat II ( 40 CD Rp.1.600.000, -)
• Paket Hemat III ( 60 CD Rp 2.200.000, -)
• paket komplit ( 75 CD Rp. 2.500.000)

Dll ( Masih banyak lagi..)

Semua CD saya jual hanya dengan Rp.75.000/ CD.
CD-CD Agrokomplek ini bukanlah berisi ebook atau paparan data (BUKAN BERUPA E-BOOK / PDF), tetapi BERUPA BAGAIMANA PRAKTEKNYA LANGSUNG DI LAPANGAN (Audio Visual) .

SEGERA PESAN >>> Cukup Hanya : Rp.75.000 / CD, Sudah Termasuk Ongkos Kirim.

HUB : 0856 553 874 38
Email :

Klik Lengkap :
CD Audio Visual, UKM Usaha Mandiri

CD Audio Visual, UKM Usaha Mandiri, BUdidaya Lele, dll

Kumpulan Kitab Hadits, Kumpulan Kitab Islam, Hadits, Buku Islam, Islami, Tafsir, Pesantren, Kitab Kuning, Muslim

Mau belajar KITAB KUNING sendiri dirumah, mau sofeware kitab kuning GRATIS ! aja di. berisi 3.2 Giga yang berisi ribuan kitab klasik maupun kontemporer,tafsir alquran, hadis bukhori muslim dll.

atau jika anda kesulitan download pesan aja hanya 50 ribu sudah ongkos kirim seluruh indonesia DVD.

HUb. Sunyono
Hp : 0856 553 874 38

Mail :
Baca Lengkap, klik website.

CD Software Kitab Kuning, Kumpulan Kitab Islam Lengkap

Kumpulan Kitab Hadits, Kumpulan Kitab Islam, Hadits, Buku Islam, Islami, Tafsir, Pesantren, Kitab Kuning, Muslim

Kumpulan Kitab Hadits, Kumpulan Kitab Islam, Hadits, Buku Islam, Islami, Tafsir, Pesantren, Kitab Kuning, Muslim

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Extend battery life of your laptop, iPOD

HOW TO Extend battery life of your laptop, iPOD and other electronic goods?

For many people, electronics are their lifeline to the world around them. Without our laptops, MP3 players, portable DVD players and smartphones, we may wander listlessly about, feeling rather bored. The battery is the lifeblood--and without batteries, our favorite devices are useless. For this reason, and because they aren't that cheap to replace--you should always try to extend the battery life of your favorite equipment. If you've never imagined that you could do this--then you may be surprised to learn that some of your habits may actually be killing your batteries. By taking the following easy steps you will add hours, days, weeks and sometimes years to the life of your electronics--and not have to shell out unnecessary cash for replacement batteries.


Step 1 - Allow your battery to fully die once a month, or don't charge it until you get a low battery warning on its screen. Cycling your battery this way will help keep the cells fresher longer.

Step 2 - Avoid overheating your laptop. Don't set your laptop on a pillow, your couch or your bed while it is running, as the cushions will prevent proper ventilation and your computer's interior temperature will rise dramatically. This will shorten the life of the battery very quickly.

Step 3 - Don't leave your valuable electronics exposed to high levels of heat. This includes the inside of your car on a summer's day. Try to use your cell phone or iPod after it has sat in your sweltering car all day, and you may discover that it will no longer hold more than a 10-minute charge.

Step 4 - Similar to heat, extreme cold (anything below 40 degrees) can also shorten the life of your batteries. If you forget your device in your car in the dead of winter, allow it to come to room temperature before turning it back on.

Step 5 - If you have older devices that you just don't use as often, but don't want to get rid of, use them at least once a month. If the device is left unused, over a period of time, the battery will become stagnant and need to be replaced.

Greeting Card on your computer?

HOW TO Make a Greeting Card on your computer?

A greeting card you make yourself can be more meaningful to the recipient and just as attractive as any store-bought greeting card if you apply a few simple desktop publishing and design principles. Follow these 10 steps to make a greeting card in any software.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: 30 minutes to a few hours to make a greeting card, longer if unfamiliar with the software

Here's How:

1. Use appropriate software.

If you are already familiar with the operation of PageMaker, InDesign, or other professional desktop publishing software then use it. If new to desktop publishing and your main goal is make your own greeting cards, consumer software such as Art Explosion Greeting Card Factory or Hallmark Card Studio are good software choices to make a greeting card. Familiarize yourself with the basic operation before you begin.

2. Pick a greeting card format.

Before you begin think about what kind of greeting card you want to make - funny, serious, oversized, top fold, side fold, personalized. Having a vision ahead of time can speed up the process even if you'll be using templates straight from the software.

3. Set up a greeting card document.

If your software has a blank template or wizard for the style of greeting card you want, use it to set up your greeting card. Or, create a layout from scratch in the desired size. For a top or side fold card printed on letter size paper (rather than other types of specialty greeting card papers) create a folded dummy and mark the front, inside front, message area, and back of the greeting card.

4. Choose graphics.

If you want to keep it simple, stick with one image or a few simple, icon-like figures. Some clip art is drawn with a less realistic, more cartoonish appearance. Some styles suggest "modern" while other clip art has a distinct 50s or 60s air about it. Some images are "fun" while others are "serious" or at least more subdued. Color and types of lines and the amount of detail can all contribute to the overall style. Mix and match images that share a similar style.

5. Modify the images.

Some graphics work without modification but simple changes to size and color can make a image work better for your greeting card layout. You can also use color and frames or boxes with dissimilar images to create a more unified appearance.

6. Select a font.

For a greeting card, you will probably stick with one, maybe two typefaces. More would be distracting and less professional-looking in most cases. Usually you want your type and images to convey the same tone or mood whether that's formal, fun, subdued, or in your face. You can change the font color so it that contrasts with your paper color and other graphics or pick a color that appears within your clip art to tie the two together. Plain black is always a good choice too.

7. Arrange text and graphics.

Even in a simple greeting card, try using a grid to align objects. Draw boxes or horizontal and vertical guidelines to help you align edges. Not every inch of your page, nor every inch of every row or column, has to be filled with clip art or text. Use your grid to help balance out the white space (empty places) on your card.

8. Create a consistent look.

As you tweak the front and inside of your gretting card, aim for a consistent look and feel. Use the same grid, the same or complimentary graphics and fonts. Print out your front and inside pages and place them side-by-side. Do they look as if they are part of the same card or do they look as if they don't belong together? You want consistency but it's ok to throw in some contrasting elements too.

9. Add a credit line.

You've just created your masterpiece. Why not take a little bow before hitting the print button? One way to do this is to use the back of the card to credit yourself with the design. If you are making greeting cards for a customer or to sell direct, you may want to include your business name and contact information (such as phone number) -- but do keep it simple (and make sure that the credit is part of your agreement with the client).

10. Proof and print the greeting card.

When it comes time to print your final greeting card, don't forget that final proof. Before putting your creation on expensive photo paper or greeting card stock print a final proof in draft mode.

• Check text and graphics and layout.
• Check margins and alignment.
• Fold your proof and make sure everything lines up correctly.
• If printing multiple copies of the final card, first print just one at high quality on the desired paper. Check color and ink coverage.

What You Need:

• Desktop Publishing Software or Greeting Card Software
• Greeting Card Templates
• Photo and Clip Art Collections
• Text and Decorative Fonts
• Card Stock, Photo Paper, or Greeting Card Specialty Paper

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Buku Elektronik

Leksika, Buku Pintar Elektronik
Selama ini kita menggunakan Buku secara Fisik. Dengan perkembangan dunia IT, kini telah hadir Puluhan Buku yang dikemas dalam sebuah alat, semacam Laptop. Buku Elektronik namanya.

Buku Elektronik ini sangat mudah, ringan, tidak membuat penggunanya ribet membawa banyak buku.

Bentuk Gambar Buku Elektronik :

Bagaimaan isi dan canggihan Buku Elektronik ini, silakan simak baik-baik paparan berikut :

Oxford Advanced English Learner's Dictionary. Oxford Erlangga. Oxford Idiom. Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia (Eska Media). A Comprehensive Indonesian-English Dictionary. Kamus Tematik Al-Hikmah (Thematic Arab-English-Indonesia). English–Chinese Dictionary. The contemporary Chinese Dictionary. Kumpulan Peribahasa.

Rumus: Rangkuman Biologi. Rangkuman Fisika. Rangkuman Matematika SMP & SMA. Rangkuman Kimia. Rangkuman Pengetahuan Umum. English Grammar (Indo Version). Topic word. American/British English. Phonetic Grammar Practice. Vocabulary Practice. Irregular Verbs. Conversations. Chinese Character Learning. Informasi Umum. Two-way Translation.

mp3 Player. mp4 Player. RM Player. Flash Video. Recorder. Digital Album. USB. PDF Reader. e-Book. HTML Reader. Radio. Games. Zlines.

Phone Book. Memo. Agenda. World Time. calendar. Islamic Calendar. Time Table. Alarm. Stopwatch. Standard. Scientific. Currency Converter. Paint. Word, Excell, Viewer.

Tools Box
File Management. Battery. Date Setting. Profile. Sound Setting. Hand Writing. Disk Fixed. Language Setting. USB link. LCD Pointer. Service.

  • Bisa membuka file dari MS Word dan Excell
  • Battery tahan lama (Video 4 jam, kamus bisa 1 bulan)
  • Authoritative Dictionaries
  • Suara: asli suara manusia (Inggris, Mandarin, Arab)
  • Learning: Grammar, Vocabulary, Word Bank, cara menulis "huruf" China (Chinese handwriting)
  • Memori bisa di upgrade sampai 8 Gb
  • Mudah digunakan, mudah dibawa (user friendly)
  • MP5
  • Radio
  • Tambahan isi dari Penerbit Mizan tidak terbatas


Dimensi: 14 x 10 x 1,5 cm.

Warna Produk :

Warna: merah marun (ready), hitam dan putih (akhir bulan)


Rp 2.550.000 /per - unit. Jika Cash, mendapat diskon 10%, jadi Harganya Rp 2.295.000


Cara Pemesanan

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

404 Not Found Blogger Custom Domain


I had a blogspot blog, last wednesday I thought I would make ‘it official’ and got a custom doman through blogger. It says I do not have to do anything else if it was purchased through them. I haven’t done anything but register my domain address with google. When I try to access my page, it says HTTP 404 NOT FOUND. It has been a week and my site should have been working by now correct? Is there something I am not doing right? I have done everything it says on their HELP page and emailed them, but again, nothing.


1. By Wiesel:
I was having a very similar problem. I switched back my blogger custom domain to my blogspot address then back to the custom domain and it seems to have worked. It might be a problem in blogger, or maybe finally the DNS settings propagated, i don’t know. It’s a least worth a try.

2. By Nitecruzr:

OK, the primary symptom is normal:
“Server Not Found Error 404″

DNS is normal (needs improvement): 1800 IN A 1800 IN A 1800 IN A 1800 IN CNAME

Better would be: 1800 IN A 1800 IN A 1800 IN CNAME…

Having improved your DNS (if you’re able), publish the blog back to BlogSpot, then re publish to “”.…

Chuck [Blog*Star 2006 - 2008]
Real Blogger Status:

